Thursday, July 27, 2023

#288 Tomorrow's Leaders

Thursday, July 27, 2023

#288 Tomorrow's Leaders

This week has been so crazy with the travel and changes and doing all these adventures with my kiddos. But the best part is the experiences that are being made and spending time with my family and friends. We had such amazing moments this year and feel blessed for all the special people in our lives and how much we value them in our life. The major thing has always been how crazy busy it has gotten us to become but at the same time focusing on how we value people and spend time with our loved ones. Packing and sorting through our valuables and seeing what are the things that I want to take along with me and experience with me. 

At a very young age, I realized that the lifestyle that we have determines a lot about who we eventually become. By the word lifestyle, I don't mean that we need to go shopping or buy expensive things. Instead, I mean the ability to actually what are the values and lessons I am taught at home. Another thing I realized growing up was, even if I was told to do the right things, it didn't matter till I actually saw people follow them which would make it the real deal. Honestly, I was surrounded by a mixture of people and that is how life is. You choose who you want to hang out with and you choose a lot of important decisions in your life based on situations and what works for you. But the bottom line is, your home is the one place you can find peace and happiness. 

Social Media has had such a huge impact on our life. Just yesterday I didn't have the time to be able to do the things that we want to do because we are so connected. Painting, reading books, spending time in coffee shops just talking...these are some habits that seemed to have taken over by social media and our need to continuously be overpowered by the constant never-ending updates that keep happening on FB or Instagram and trying to make each moment count. I guess the online world has taken over our lives in a lot of ways and we have let it consume all of s as well. We have not taken time out for ourselves to be able to just relax.

Children are the seeds of our future, and their growth and development lay the groundwork for the adults they will become. The foundation of kids is a multi-faceted concept that encompasses physical, emotional, cognitive, and social aspects. In this article, we'll delve into the various components that contribute to the foundation of children's development and the crucial role they play in shaping well-rounded individuals.

Physical Health and Wellness
It forms the bedrock of a child's foundation. Proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are essential for their growth and overall well-being. A strong physical foundation sets the stage for healthy growth, strong bones, and the development of lifelong habits that promote well-being.

Emotional Intelligence
The ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions as well as those of others. Children who develop emotional intelligence from a young age are better equipped to navigate relationships, cope with challenges, and exhibit empathy and kindness.

Cognitive Development
It encompasses a child's ability to think, learn, and process information. It involves language development, problem-solving skills, memory retention, and critical thinking. A strong cognitive foundation lays the groundwork for successful learning and academic achievement.

Social Skills
Children learn how to interact with others and form relationships from a young age. Building healthy social skills helps children communicate effectively, cooperate with peers, and resolve conflicts. These skills are the building blocks for positive relationships and collaborative teamwork in the future.

Curiosity and Creativity
Nurturing a child's curiosity and creativity fosters a lifelong love of learning. Encouraging them to explore, ask questions, and engage in imaginative play allows them to develop problem-solving abilities and a deep sense of wonder about the world around them.

Values and Character Development
The values and character traits instilled in children shape their moral compass and guide their behavior as they grow. Teaching honesty, kindness, respect, and responsibility lays the foundation for ethical decision-making and integrity.

Supportive Environment
A nurturing and supportive environment is crucial for children's development. Positive relationships with parents, caregivers, teachers, and peers contribute to their emotional security and overall well-being.

Education and Learning
Education plays a vital role in the foundation of children's development. Quality early childhood education fosters cognitive and social skills, preparing children for the challenges of formal schooling and lifelong learning.

Play and Exploration
Play is the natural way children explore and make sense of the world around them. Engaging in creative play, both structured and unstructured, helps children develop problem-solving skills, creativity, and social competence.

Love, Encouragement, and Patience
Perhaps the most critical foundation of all is the love, encouragement, and patience that adults provide to children. Positive affirmations, a safe space for exploration, and unwavering support help children build confidence and a strong sense of self-worth.

The foundation of kids is a dynamic blend of physical health, emotional intelligence, cognitive development, and social skills. Nurturing these aspects with care, intention, and love sets the stage for children to become well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to their communities and the world. Investing in the foundation of children's development is an investment in a brighter, more compassionate future.
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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

#287 3 Set - Makeup Wall Art set

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

#287 3 Set - Makeup Wall Art set

 Today, I am sharing my design which I absolutely find to be every makeup girls dream set, if I may say so hehe. I have also made a resolution this year to start doing my gratitude journal and document things that highlight my day. I would encourage everyone to do this really. Its one of the most relaxing things ever. Here you go with my design set, I have a 30% off on all items in my store except custom prints. So dont miss out...

I will be sharing all my designs on my blog here and if you have any questions or would like to order just reach out to me. 

Here are the details: 

You can get 30% off when you buy 3 designs. Please your order by email me on

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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

#286 Nurturing Love and Harmony

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

#286 Nurturing Love and Harmony

A healthy relationship is a priceless bond that brings joy, support, and fulfillment to our lives. Just like tending to a garden, nurturing a relationship requires care, attention, and the right tools. In this article, we'll explore the key principles and practices that contribute to a strong and lasting partnership, helping you create a harmonious and fulfilling connection with your loved one.

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. Sharing your thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly with your partner fosters understanding and prevents misunderstandings. Active listening and empathetic responses create a safe space for both partners to express themselves.

Mutual Respect
Respect forms the foundation of a healthy partnership. Treat your partner with kindness, consideration, and appreciation. Acknowledge their opinions and feelings, even if you disagree, and avoid disrespectful behavior or language. Trust is the glue that holds relationships together. Be reliable, keep your promises, and demonstrate honesty in all interactions. Openness about your feelings and actions builds a sense of security and fosters a deeper connection.

Shared Goals and Values
Cultivating a healthy relationship involves aligning your goals and values. Discuss your aspirations, dreams, and values to ensure you're on the same page. When you share common goals, you're more likely to support each other's journeys. Spending quality time together is essential for nurturing a strong bond. Engage in activities that you both enjoy, whether it's going for walks, cooking together, or sharing hobbies. Regular quality time fosters intimacy and creates lasting memories.

Independence and Space
While spending time together is crucial, maintaining individuality and personal space is equally important. Encourage each other to pursue individual interests and friendships, allowing for personal growth and a sense of autonomy. Disagreements are natural in any relationship. The key is to approach conflicts with respect and a willingness to find solutions together. Avoid blame and criticism, and instead focus on understanding each other's perspectives and finding compromises.

Affection and flexibility
Physical affection and intimacy are vital components of a healthy relationship. Express love through gestures, hugs, kisses, and intimate moments that strengthen the emotional and physical connection between partners. Being each other's biggest supporters is a hallmark of a healthy relationship. Encourage each other's ambitions, offer reassurance during challenges, and celebrate successes together. Life is full of changes and unexpected turns. A healthy relationship requires flexibility and adaptability to navigate challenges and uncertainties together. Being open to change and growth strengthens your partnership. A healthy relationship is a dynamic journey that requires continuous effort, understanding, and commitment. By practicing open communication, respect, trust, and empathy, you can cultivate a deep and lasting bond with your partner. Remember that a healthy relationship is a partnership of two individuals who uplift and support each other through life's highs and lows. With the right foundation, your relationship can thrive and evolve, creating a harmonious and loving connection that stands the test of time.
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Friday, February 15, 2019

#285 Rediscovering Simplicity

Friday, February 15, 2019

#285 Rediscovering Simplicity

In an era defined by the relentless buzz of gadgets and the lure of digital distractions, there's an undeniable nostalgia for the simpler joys that once colored our lives. Childhood memories of riding bicycles through the neighborhood and exploring the great outdoors seem like a distant dream in today's tech-driven landscape. As we navigate this digital terrain, it's crucial to ponder the profound impact of our gadget-obsessed culture and seek out ways to regain the balance we've lost.

The Transition from Bicycles to Smartphones
The shift from pedaling on bicycles to navigating virtual realms on smartphones has been swift and transformative. In the span of a few decades, we've moved from the thrill of neighborhood bike rides to the all-encompassing allure of a vast digital universe. Yet, while these technological advancements have introduced convenience and the promise of connection, they've also brought along a sense of urgency. The perpetual cycle of notifications and digital demands can leave us feeling perpetually tethered to our devices.

Rediscovering Simplicity in a Complex World
Recalling the simplicity of our childhood pastimes—genuine connections, unstructured outdoor play—evokes a wistful longing. It's essential to infuse elements of that simplicity into our lives, even in the midst of technology's ever-expanding dominion. Striking a balance between the digital and the tangible is a conscious effort worth undertaking. It calls for reclaiming moments of stillness, fostering face-to-face interactions, and fostering connections beyond screens.

The Social Media Paradox
In a world dominated by social media, we're exposed to curated highlight reels of others' lives. This exposure can easily lead us down the slippery slope of the "comparison trap." The illusion that everyone else's life is an unending parade of perfection fosters feelings of inadequacy and stress. However, the journey toward balance begins with self-awareness. Realizing the impact of ceaseless connectivity, many have chosen the path of mindful disconnection. Limiting social media use, setting boundaries, and prioritizing genuine connections lead to an enriched existence.

The Authenticity of Disconnection
By curbing the compulsion to constantly showcase achievements or possessions, we unlock the doors to authenticity. The number of friends or likes on social media platforms loses its significance against the backdrop of meaningful relationships and personal growth. Sharing moments of genuine joy, unencumbered by external pressures, transforms our digital presence into a reflection of our true selves.

Nature's Revival and Mindful Communication
Disentangling from the digital world opens the door to rediscovering the splendor of nature. Embracing outdoor experiences, practicing mindfulness through activities like yoga, and embracing the art of unplugging have become the cornerstones of self-care. This newfound appreciation for stillness extends to the realm of communication as well. Intentional outreach and heartfelt conversations are the antidotes to the superficial exchanges that digital interactions often breed.

The Power of Stillness and Self-Love

Choosing to unplug from the relentless digital churn and embrace moments of stillness is an act of profound self-love. It's a reminder to savor the present, to be wholly present in conversations, and to derive joy from the ordinary. Amidst the cacophony of notifications and status updates, embracing the beauty of the present moment becomes an act of rebellion—a refusal to be swept away by the currents of digital chaos.

A Journey Toward Balanced Living
Walking the fine line between the allure of gadgets and the pursuit of genuine connection is a journey that requires constant recalibration. Your journey to consciously disconnect reminds us all of the importance of crafting a life that aligns with our values. Nurturing authentic relationships, embracing meaningful interactions, and cherishing the simple pleasures are the stepping stones toward a life enriched by connection. As we navigate the labyrinthine world of digital distractions, let your journey inspire us all to unplug, step away from the screens, and reclaim the balance and simplicity that have always been at the heart of our human experience.
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Saturday, September 8, 2018

#284 A Luxury Affair

Saturday, September 8, 2018

#284 A Luxury Affair


The world of luxury fashion is an enchanting realm that beckons with elegance and sophistication. Recently, I indulged my passion for opulent fashion by adding a gem to my collection. To share the thrill of my experience and empower fellow enthusiasts, I'm excited to unveil my latest luxury purchase through this post. Keep an eye out for my upcoming YouTube video on #fashionistaera, where I'll delve into my selection process and offer valuable tips for navigating the world of luxury shopping online. 

Entering the realm of luxury fashion demands a meticulous approach. In the digital age, where information floods our senses, the challenge lies in sifting through the wealth of options to find the perfect piece. To embark on this journey, I immersed myself in a sea of YouTube videos and articles, seeking insights from fellow aficionados who have ventured into the world of online luxury shopping. Online luxury shopping is a captivating odyssey that requires careful navigation. Ensuring a gratifying experience involves identifying platforms with solid credibility and a history of positive customer feedback. This step was pivotal in narrowing down my choices and ensuring I was making an informed decision.

Amid the allure of luxury fashion, spotting counterfeits is an art. As I explored various websites, I honed my ability to discern authenticity by scrutinizing intricate details—logos, stitching, and craftsmanship. Acquiring this skill empowered me to confidently differentiate between genuine and counterfeit pieces. In the world of online shopping, reviews are a beacon of wisdom. Immersing myself in the feedback and experiences shared by other shoppers provided invaluable insights into the reliability of websites. These reviews, both positive and constructive, painted a comprehensive picture of the shopping journey that awaited me. 

Websites that curate their collections thoughtfully offer a smoother shopping experience. I gravitated towards platforms that showcased a refined assortment of luxury pieces. Such curation often speaks to the platform's commitment to quality and authenticity. The visual allure of luxury fashion is captivating in its own right. As I browsed through different websites, I developed an appreciation for the aesthetic choices each platform embraced. This not only influenced my purchasing decision but also offered insights into the brand's values and design philosophy.

While I look forward to sharing a more comprehensive exploration of my luxury fashion journey on my YouTube channel, #fashionistaera, I'm excited to provide a sneak peek into the insights I've gathered. From understanding the nuances of sizing accuracy to deciphering the language of luxury fashion, my upcoming video aims to equip fellow enthusiasts with the knowledge to navigate the online luxury shopping landscape confidently. Luxury fashion extends beyond material possessions; it embodies an experience. My journey into the realm of online luxury shopping has deepened my appreciation for the craftsmanship, heritage, and meticulous attention to detail embedded in each creation. By engaging in thorough research, practicing discernment, and cherishing authenticity, I've embarked on a journey that has led to the discovery of a cherished gem for my collection. As I prepare to share my insights through my upcoming YouTube video, I invite you to join me in elevating the luxury experience to new heights. Remember, in the world of luxury fashion, patience and discernment are the keys to a truly gratifying purchase.
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Friday, August 3, 2018

#283 A Voyage of Networking and Insight

Friday, August 3, 2018

#283 A Voyage of Networking and Insight

Embarking on a journey to Chicago for the Great Place to Work Conference was an exhilarating experience that brought together learning, networking, and the thrill of connecting with industry leaders. The conference was a hub of knowledge exchange, where top executives from diverse companies shared their perspectives on leadership, HR, and organizational success. In this narrative, I share my insights and memorable moments from this transformative trip that expanded my horizons.

While my cell phone captured snapshots of the moments, the true essence of the Great Place to Work Conference in Chicago is etched in the lessons learned and connections made. From interacting with top-level executives to absorbing insights that will shape my professional journey, this conference was a true catalyst for growth. As I reflect on the whirlwind of experiences, I carry these memories as cherished tokens of knowledge, inspiration, and the promise of future growth through networking and learning.

1. Immersed in Insights
As soon as we touched down in Chicago, the whirlwind of activities commenced. The first day was a flurry of non-stop conferences, each brimming with insightful discussions. From the momentous arrival, the conference plunged us into a world of valuable insights and innovative perspectives that would shape the days to come.

2. Embracing the Executive Experience
The highlight of the conference was the opportunity to interact with top executives from renowned companies. With names like AT&T, Google, and Ikea present, the chance to engage in conversations and learn from their business models was truly inspiring. Each interaction revealed new dimensions of leadership and strategic thinking that I had never encountered before.

3. Lessons from Leaders
The diversity of topics covered during the conference shed light on numerous aspects of HR and organizational excellence. Leaders shared their journeys, detailing how their companies were making significant impacts on various levels. These experiences offered valuable insights that I could take back and integrate into my own professional role, fostering growth and development.

4. The Art of Networking
The conference hall became a haven for networking, a space where industry professionals could engage in meaningful conversations. Conversations ranged from sharing challenges to brainstorming innovative solutions. The energy of collective wisdom and the exchange of ideas was palpable, creating an environment of growth and collaboration.

5. Glimpses of Possibility
The trip not only expanded my professional horizons but also provided a treasure trove of ideas that could be implemented back in the corporate landscape. The HR perspectives I garnered were invaluable, offering strategies that could elevate our business practices and create a more conducive work environment.

6. The Call for Further Exploration
This conference was a testament to the importance of attending industry events. Witnessing industry trends, understanding diverse strategies, and forging connections with fellow professionals are all essential for staying at the forefront of our field. The experience underscored the value of breaking from routine and venturing into the world of conferences and networking. 

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Thursday, July 12, 2018

#282 Carrying Lessons from Paris

Thursday, July 12, 2018

#282 Carrying Lessons from Paris

Paris, a city of romance and enchantment, had always held a special place in my dreams. It was a destination that beckoned with the allure of the Eiffel Tower and the tales of my father's travels. Finally setting foot in this city was a dream come true, shared with my family. Beyond the Eiffel Tower's grandeur, my Parisian sojourn taught me invaluable lessons about energies and perspectives, which I'm excited to share.

Cherished Dreams
The realization of a long-held dream is a magical moment. Arriving in Paris, I felt like I was stepping into a fairytale. The stories my father shared about the city's beauty and charm came to life before my eyes. Sharing this experience with my family elevated the journey to a cherished memory.

Taking Time for Yourself
Amid the bustling world, taking a break to rejuvenate is essential. The trip underscored the importance of stepping away from the daily grind and recharging our energy. In a world that constantly demands our attention, investing in moments of self-care can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Harnessing Energies: Like Attracts Like
The principle of like attracting like resonates deeply. Drawing inspiration from "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, I understood that our thoughts and beliefs manifest in our reality. Shifting away from negativity and criticism requires effort, but the rewards are immeasurable. Choosing positivity fosters an environment of growth and abundance.

Focused Energy: Attracting What You Seek
Energy is intangible but profoundly impactful. Recognizing the energy we emit and receive is crucial. Negative energy impacts health, communication, and even the way we interact with the world. By focusing on positive energy and helping others, we generate a cycle of positivity that enhances our lives.

Embracing Change: Tides Always Shift
Feeling stuck is a shared experience. Acknowledging that change is constant and inevitable is key to growth. Shifting perspectives and seeking motivation even during moments of stagnation is vital. Adapting to change and persevering with patience ensures that the tide will eventually turn in our favor.

Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude has the power to transform our outlook. Counting our blessings and celebrating the small joys in life cultivates a positive mindset. Creating a visual reminder of gratitude, like a bulletin board with images of our achievements and aspirations, keeps us focused on the positive.

Words Shape Reality
Communication is a potent force that shapes relationships and perceptions. Choosing words mindfully and expressing ourselves authentically is crucial. Silence isn't always golden; articulating thoughts respectfully prevents misunderstandings and promotes healthy interactions.As I reflect on my time in Paris, I realize that the city's allure extends beyond its architectural wonders. Paris taught me about the energies we emit and receive, the power of words, and the significance of gratitude. Like the Eiffel Tower standing tall amidst the city's landscape, these lessons stand as pillars to guide us through life's journey. My Parisian adventure was more than just a dream fulfilled; it was a transformative experience that continues to shape my perspectives and choices.
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Sunday, February 18, 2018

#281 Exploring Enchanting Estonia

Sunday, February 18, 2018

#281 Exploring Enchanting Estonia



Estonia, a hidden gem nestled in Northern Europe, is a destination that captivates with its unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. My recent holiday to this charming country left an indelible mark on my heart. From its medieval towns to its pristine landscapes, Estonia is a destination that offers a perfect blend of relaxation and exploration.

Embracing Tallinn's Timeless Beauty
The journey began in Tallinn, the capital city that seamlessly weaves medieval charm with modern allure. The cobblestone streets of Tallinn's Old Town transported me to a bygone era, where majestic castles, cathedrals, and merchant houses stood as a testament to the city's rich history. Exploring the enchanting Town Hall Square and the iconic Toompea Castle offered a glimpse into the city's fascinating past.

Discovering the Baltic Jewel
Saaremaa, Estonia's largest island, beckoned with its untouched natural beauty. The serene landscapes, windmills, and charming villages were a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The Kuressaare Castle, with its medieval architecture set against a backdrop of lush greenery, provided a sense of timelessness that is unique to Saaremaa.

Immerse in Nature's Splendor
Lahemaa National Park, a haven of untouched forests, pristine lakes, and rugged coastlines, showcased Estonia's commitment to preserving its natural treasures. Exploring the Viru Bog's wooden boardwalks allowed me to tread lightly while experiencing the breathtaking beauty of the marshland. The Jägala Waterfall, Europe's widest natural waterfall, was a spectacle of nature's power and grace.

Unveiling Cultural Riches
Estonia's cultural tapestry is interwoven with art, music, and craftsmanship. The Parnu Museum provided insight into the nation's history, while the KUMU Art Museum celebrated Estonian art from the 18th century to the modern day. Experiencing a traditional folk dance performance and listening to mesmerizing choral music revealed the soulful spirit of the Estonian people.

Savoring Culinary Delights
Estonian cuisine is a blend of rustic flavors and modern twists. Indulging in local delicacies such as black bread, herring, and potato dishes provided a taste of authentic Estonian flavors. The vibrant cafes and restaurants of Tallinn offered a contemporary culinary scene that fused local ingredients with global inspirations.

Connecting with the Locals
The warmth and hospitality of the Estonian people left a lasting impression. Engaging in conversations with locals allowed me to understand their way of life, their love for their country, and their pride in its heritage. Learning about their traditions and customs added depth to my holiday experience.  My holiday in Estonia was more than just a trip; it was a journey of enchantment and discovery. From the cobblestone streets of Tallinn to the serene landscapes of Saaremaa and the natural wonders of Lahemaa National Park, Estonia offered a diverse array of experiences. The rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes have left an indelible mark on my heart, making Estonia a destination I will cherish in my memories forever.
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