Thursday, June 16, 2016

#267 Unlocking the Allure of Pastel Colors



Pastel colors, with their soft, romantic, and ethereal charm, are like a cupcake-inspired dream for those who want to infuse their style with innocence and a touch of romance. These delicate hues, reminiscent of Easter egg colors, have the power to lift spirits and add a positive vibe to any look. From milky caramel to velvety peach, pale pink to powdery mint, banana to guava, lavender to baby blue, these delicious shades have captured the hearts of many. But when it comes to incorporating pastels into your wardrobe in real life, it can seem a bit challenging. Fear not, for there are some fashion tips to follow that will guide you on how to wear pastels without looking like you're headed to an Easter parade.

1. Brighten it up!
After the era of eye-catching prints and bold colors, pastel shades emerge to soothe the eyes and please the senses. Many designers have embraced lace, incorporating it into dresses, tops, and skirts, creating a sense of poetic elegance. Whether it's a lovely dress, a top, or a skirt, lace details complement pastel shades, adding to their delicacy and femininity. Even casual dresses designed for carefree strolls around the city, available in delicate pale green, beige, and blue shades with minimal embellishments, feature lovely lace and chiffon fabrics, creating an ethereal and trendy look.

Pastel shades are undoubtedly a favorite for many, known for their soothing quality that can enhance any outfit. These shades can be effortlessly mixed with neutrals like black, white, and gray. To add a pop of color, consider pairing pastels with white and, if you're uncertain about the color combination, opt for a light-shaded lipstick. Pay attention to your footwear as well; the right pair of shoes can elevate your style and complete your look. Drawing inspiration from various sources, such as TV or people on the street, can also help you discover new color schemes that work for you. Remember to play to your strengths, experiment by mixing pastels with different looks, and don't hesitate to combine a pastel top with black leather pants for a striking ensemble. Accessories can play a crucial role in perfecting your look, so don't forget to add those finishing touches.

2. Embrace Minimalism
One of the golden rules of wearing pastel shades is to avoid going overboard with their sweetness. While head-to-toe outfits in pale lemon or sugary pink with lace details, accessorized with pastel shoes, bags, and headbands, may look chic on the runway, they can be a bit much for everyday life. After all, not all of us are pastry saleswomen. To strike the right balance, consider pairing your pastel clothing with pieces in black, white, or other neutral tones. When selecting pastel clothing items, lean toward minimalism, opting for pieces with clean, sharp lines that highlight the design rather than the pastel shades. If you can't resist ruffles and intricate details, opt for sculptural forms to infuse a touch of drama into your pastel looks.

3. Mix Pastels with Neutrals
Don't be afraid to mix pastel colors with neutral tones. Beige and coffee shades can help temper the girly nature of pastels, and pastels pair exceptionally well with gray and cream tones too.

4. Experiment with Pastel Color Blocking
Pastel colors complement each other beautifully, allowing you to mix and match more than two pastel shades in a single look. Follow the color-blocking principle, using items with clean, straight lines. Unlike the stricter rules of color-blocking with brighter tones, pastels offer more flexibility. You can even incorporate up to four pastel tones into a single look, adding a bright accessory to create contrast. However, brunettes might want to exercise caution when wearing too many pastel colors simultaneously.

5. Choose Pastel Colors According to Your Hair and Skin Tones
The rule of thumb for pastels suggests that darker-skinned individuals look stunning in lighter, creamier tones, while those with lighter skin tones should opt for coffee shades and richer pastels. Blondes, regardless of their shade, can confidently mix and match various pastel shades and wear head-to-toe pastel outfits, exuding femininity and sophistication. For brunettes and redheads, wearing too many pastel shades can make them appear pale. Consider creating contrast with bright accessories or complementary details in darker shades, such as black. Alternatively, opt for accessories in contrasting hues.

6. Pair Pastel Colors with White and Black
You can never go wrong when pairing pastel colors with white or black pieces, or even combining them with both black and white. Combine pastel jeans with a white and black top, complementing the look with dark-colored platform sandals. While black tends to dominate when mixed with pastel shades, you can also experiment with soft gray or beige tones instead of black. White enhances the softness and femininity of pastels while creating a harmonious look. Pastel colors combined with white are perfect for summer, although they can be somewhat unconventional in winter.

7. Combine Pastels with Brights
For a playful and vibrant appearance, consider wearing pastel colors alongside brighter tones. This not only reduces the overly sweet and feminine quality of pastels but also showcases your creativity and unique style. Imagine mint green pants paired with a bright green blazer over a simple white tee – a delightful combination. Complete the look with neutral shoes and a coordinating bag. Just as you're not afraid to mix different flavors of ice cream in a bowl, don't hesitate to mix pastel shades with brighter hues.

8. Experiment with Pastel Colors and Prints
Pastel-colored clothes can look intriguing and romantic when combined with printed and patterned pieces, especially if those patterns feature pastel tones. For example, pair a pastel lilac blouse with a white skirt adorned with peach and lilac abstract prints, creating a visual connection between the two pieces. However, it's advisable to avoid floral patterns with pastel pieces, as this might give off an old-fashioned vibe. Instead, embrace modern minimalism by choosing garments with minimal and abstract patterns.

9. Try Monochrome Pastel Looks
Less can indeed be more, especially in pastel fashion. You can create stunning looks by choosing a single pastel shade for your entire outfit. This approach elongates and slims your silhouette, allowing you to experiment with volumes and textures to add interest to your monochrome pastel ensemble.

10. Explore Pastel Nudes and Creams
Cream and beige tones are among the most versatile pastel shades, harmonizing beautifully with other pastels or neutral colors. When paired with neutrals, cream and beige clothing items exude a sober and elegant charm, making them suitable for office wear. On the other hand, you can use cream accessories or other subtle details to perfect your colorful pastel looks.

For more info - link here.


  1. I just love pastel shades during the spring and summer! These tips are fantastic. Especially about the jewellery!

  2. great tips! amazing look :)

  3. Cute 😘 I love pastels too.

  4. Pantone reccomended two pastele color for 2016 year but those colors didnt gain big popularity. You look good in light blue


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