Sunday, April 10, 2016

#264 My basic workout routine

Fitness has always played a central role in my life because I firmly believe that health issues can become serious if we neglect our body weight and overall well-being. A balanced diet is a must, but I also allow myself occasional indulgences like pizza – moderation is key. Incorporating salads, greens, spinach, and broccoli into my diet is a habit I cherish. I also enjoy the simplicity and health benefits of green juices made by blending fruits and vegetables, which are easy to incorporate into my daily routine.

Making fitness enjoyable has been a priority for me. I aim to make workouts an enjoyable part of my daily life, seamlessly integrated into my routine. Meeting up with friends, visiting each other's homes, and engaging in group workouts add a social and enjoyable dimension to my fitness journey. Yoga holds a special place in my heart; it not only relaxes me but also keeps my body toned and in shape. I also incorporate Pilates and aerobics into my routine because I find this combination to be highly effective in helping me stay fit and healthy.

A crucial lesson I've learned is to focus on fitness that aligns with my body rather than chasing trends or conforming to what everyone else is doing. There was a time when I tried going to the gym because my friends were into it, thinking it would be a great way to socialize. However, despite having a good trainer, it didn't feel right for my body. After about a month, I realized that activities like aerobics, yoga, and sports like tennis and table tennis were better suited to my preferences and needs.

I've discovered that dedicating 15 to 20 minutes to exercise each day is more effective for me than working out twice a week. Consistency is key, and I find daily, shorter sessions to be more manageable and relaxing. Even during my pregnancy, I made sure to incorporate light workouts, such as yoga and gentle stretches, into my routine. Additionally, I enjoyed staying active through activities like walking, which helped me maintain my energy levels and reduce discomfort during pregnancy.

In conclusion, I wouldn't label myself as a fitness fanatic, but I genuinely enjoy staying active. Working out has become one of my guilty pleasures, and I aim to maintain this habit consistently. I encourage you all to find a fitness routine that brings you joy and aligns with your body, as a healthy lifestyle is a gift we owe to ourselves. Thank you for joining me on this journey toward a balanced and active life.


  1. Lovely dress!

  2. You look so classy. Love the bag! Have a great week! xx

  3. So stunning! I like this so much.

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  4. I absolutely love this. Awesome images too. Have a great new week!

    Style For Mankind

  5. Nice

    Love Vikee


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