Wednesday, August 3, 2016

#271 Life's Crossroads

Life has always been a journey filled with crossroads for me. No, I'm not referring to the Britney Spears movie – that was more like a cross-country ride. Instead, I'm talking about the adventure and routine that make up life's intricate tapestry. You see, growing up, the only constant in my life was change, as my family frequently relocated due to my dad's work. This nomadic lifestyle became my norm, allowing me to explore different corners of the world. I'm profoundly grateful for the experiences and opportunities it provided, but it also had its downsides. Constant change can take a toll on one's confidence, especially during my younger years. I often found myself struggling to keep up with my peers, both academically and socially. School days were particularly challenging, as the frequent moves disrupted my studies. It was a period of self-doubt and relentless effort to stay afloat. However, I eventually learned to let go and simplify things. I realized that my determination could bridge the gaps.

One of the most trying moments of my life was dealing with the academic variations caused by our constant relocations. But the thunderstorms eventually gave way to sunshine. Through late-night study sessions and early mornings, while my friends slept soundly, I persevered. I remember the day when my hard work paid off, and I aced my exams – I did a little victory dance at home. It was a momentous achievement during my school days, one I had attained through sheer determination. Even during the toughest times, when I felt isolated despite having great friends or left behind in a crowd, I refused to give up. 

My family provided unwavering support and became my pillar of confidence, caring beyond words.  These experiences taught me valuable lessons at a young age. Overcoming the fear of academic failure and the uncertainty about my future, I often found solace in Mariah Carey's lyrics from my all-time favorite song, "Hero." The words "There's a hero, if you look inside your heart, you don't have to be afraid of who you are" resonated deeply with me. Music has always been my wellspring of inspiration, and to this day, that song remains a source of motivation.

Listening to the Voices in Your Head -Many people let negativity and external opinions affect them, often allowing the words of others to consume them. But there's a voice inside each of us that guides us, a voice that believes in our abilities. What we allow into our minds profoundly influences our souls. So, it's essential to be patient, stay positive, prioritize your mental and emotional health, and cultivate happiness. In life, there are always those who may try to bring you down. Whether it's mean-spirited individuals or harsh critics, their words can be hurtful. However, I've always believed that the best response is to keep working diligently toward your goals, regardless of what others say. Frustration may be part of the journey, and failure may seem commonplace, but staying focused on your own path and remaining undeterred will eventually lead to success.

You Are Stronger Than You Think -It's in the midst of adversity that we truly discover our resilience and inner strength. I learned that even at a young age, I could handle immense pressure. Waking up early, attending extra classes, and juggling the chaos of frequent travels became second nature. People often say, "You can't," but I never let that word deter me. Self-doubt may be normal, but it should never overpower your true self. The key is mental strength, determination, and seeking guidance from those who support and encourage you. In conclusion, life's crossroads, with their ups and downs, have shaped me into the person I am today. I've learned to embrace change, ignore negativity, and tap into my inner strength. My journey, though challenging, has been a testament to the power of determination and self-belief. So, as you face your own crossroads in life, remember that you, too, have the strength to overcome obstacles and achieve your dreams.


  1. Amazing post

    Love Vikee

  2. You look so classy and chic!!!
    Looove your bag and shoes! Great photos, as well!

  3. Wow its amazing how you shared your story!
    Very inspiring!

  4. Nice ready hanz, - bertz

  5. You're a stong woman.

  6. Inspiring! It's important to never give up. x

    Have a nice week,

  7. Hard work + determination pays off, lady! Happy for you! You look super chic here, too. :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  8. This is so inspiring! I love the post:)

  9. New posts every day
    New collection

  10. I think that every choice shapes us, but the critical ones do the biggest job in our life. Amazing outfit and stay strong :)


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