Sunday, July 3, 2016

#269 Art of Making a House a Home

After recently moving to a new place, I found myself immersed in the world of décor shopping and setting up our new home. Over time, my taste in décor has evolved, and I now lean towards a sophisticated silver/grey theme. Gone are the days of vibrant colors dominating every corner of my living space. Today, I'd like to share some insights into how I've personalized our new home, emphasizing the importance of infusing your personality into your living space. Personalization is key to creating a home that truly reflects your identity. Start by curating items you genuinely love and then add a touch of tender loving care. One of my favorite ways to infuse personality into our home is through pictures. They bring warmth and sentimental value to our living space. However, I believe in the art of moderation; a few large frames strategically placed are more effective than an overwhelming collection that turns your home into a visual clutter.

When it came to our bedroom, I aimed for a classy and neutral ambiance with a hint of black accents. My go-to solution to add character to the room was cushions – they exude sophistication and give the space a stylish edge. Our bed, the centerpiece of the room, may appear plain, but it's our sanctuary, a place for relaxation and weekend blog writing sessions. This corner of our home holds a special place in my heart, providing solace and peace in the midst of a busy life. Speaking of furniture shopping, I recall a memorable trip to IKEA, which, though a bit of a logistical challenge, ended up being a rewarding experience. I was determined to maintain the soothing grey theme throughout our home, especially in the bedroom. To infuse a bit of charm, I incorporated my son's favorite toys, adding a playful touch to the room. My goal was to establish a profound connection with our home, making it a haven for relaxation and tranquility.

In the living room, we opted for a black fabric sofa from Sweden, creating a stylish contrast with our grey theme. It has also become my son's favorite spot to unwind and, well, make a bit of a mess. Lighter colors balance the overall feel of the house, providing a sense of equilibrium. Raymour & Flanigan came to my rescue with a beautifully coordinated bedroom set, a new sofa, and a dining area ensemble. The leather sofa, in particular, is a practical choice, especially with young kids around – easy to maintain and stylish. While I continue to scout for décor items, I've adorned our home with captivating paintings. They inject color and character into the house, making it feel truly special. I firmly believe that our surroundings should bring joy and evoke a sense of delight. Finally, the backyard is the pièce de résistance. Watching the morning skies and observing birds and squirrels darting about is the highlight of my day. We cherish the moments spent outdoors, playing frisbee and making cherished memories as a family. Spending quality time together and creating beautiful memories are paramount in my life. In the end, making a house a home is an ongoing journey, and it's all about creating a space that reflects who you are and what you cherish most in life.


  1. Amazing post

    Love Vikee

  2. Lovely decor. Your home looks like a very happy and comfy place :)

    xo Azu

    1. aww tks hun! absolutely!! home is very imp to be relaxin!

  3. Welcome to the US. Cute decorations.


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