Tuesday, August 23, 2016

#273 Harnessing Positive Change -


The Power of Belief
A chance encounter with a book by Rhonda Brynes ignited a spark in my life. The concept of manifesting her dreams by aligning her beliefs with her goals resonated deeply with her. She embarked on a journey to transform her routine existence into a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Turning Routine into Magic
My journey was a revelation. She realized that routine, when infused with belief and positivity, can lead to profound transformations. Belief wasn't just about placing pictures on a vision board; it was about shifting her mindset and choosing to see the potential in every aspect of her life.

Defying the Past
Through Iyanla Vanzant's wisdom, realized that dwelling on past regrets and mistakes was a futile endeavor. By acknowledging this tendency and choosing to embrace positivity, she liberated herself from the chains of self-doubt. The past no longer held her captive, and she emerged as the architect of her own future.

The Awakening of a Believer
The Magic, a book that entered life at the right time, introduced her to the power of gratitude and belief. With the introduction of a gratitude diary, I cultivated a sense of mindfulness, enabling her to appreciate the present moment and express gratitude for the blessings she already had.

Shifting Focus
I recognized the energy-draining nature of negativity. The more she engaged in negative conversations, the more her energy diminished. Instead of succumbing to negativity, she chose to focus on resolving conflicts or removing herself from toxic situations. This change in approach empowered her to preserve her peace of mind.

Self-Reflection as a Tool for Growth
Embracing self-reflection, I turned to spiritual and life lesson books for guidance. She learned to invite feedback from trusted friends and family, understanding that self-improvement requires openness to others' observations. This practice of self-examination and feedback propelled her towards personal growth and a deeper understanding of herself.

The Productive Mind
I realized that a busy mind is a thriving mind. By engaging in meaningful activities, whether work, creative pursuits, or positive discussions, she prevented negativity from taking root. A mind in motion remained focused, driven, and optimistic.

A Heart of Appreciation
The greatest treasures were her enduring friendships. These connections, nurtured over years, stood as a testament to the value of true companionship. Through her experiences, she learned that appreciating and wishing well for others were catalysts for positive change. Her friendships flourished as she focused on supporting and uplifting those around her.

A Smile's Ripple Effect
Embraced the power of genuine compliments and kind words. Recognizing that positivity radiates, she understood that her words could uplift others and, in turn, enhance her own well-being. Choosing words carefully, and refraining from negativity, became a conscious choice she made to create a more harmonious and joyful environment.

The Path to Inner Transformation
My journey encapsulates the transformative nature of belief, gratitude, and self-awareness. Her evolution was marked by an unwavering commitment to positivity and personal growth. Through her experiences, she discovered that the more one seeks goodness in people, the more goodness resonates within oneself. This is a reminder that life's magic lies not in extraordinary events, but in the everyday moments infused with intention and positivity. By embracing these principles, anyone can cultivate a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and joy.


  1. Great post, girlfriend- you look so pretty in this color, too!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  2. U look really good:) follow:) now waiting for U:)

  3. Amazing post. Lovely vibes here. Thanks for the tips they are excellent and so true. xoxo Cris


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